Joy Through Kindness

Mariah Edgington
2 min readDec 23, 2022


Is it even possible to bring Joy to the world through Kindness?

When we share kindness, especially random acts of kindness, people are nurtured and often respond positively, no matter what challenges they’re currently struggling with. Kindness is free and can be extended to any audience who’s willing to listen.

Have you reached out to a stranger recently? We may choose to look the other way, saying to ourselves, “Just let it go, I don’t have anything to give to them”. Clearly, that’s not so. If you provide someone a moment of joy through an act of kindness, even a smile that acknowledges their existence, you’ve elevated one person, thus the world.

Consider this, your act of kindness may have made a life changing difference for that person. That act may also be witnessed by others nearby who might be inspired to lift someone as well. Be the ripple in the pond. Your example reminds others to act as well.

Kindness is contagious and starts with one person. It can spread throughout a small area, an organization, a town, or, yes, even the world, when done intentionally and without fail. Create your own Kindness movement!

When we genuinely show up for others, meet them where they are, focus on their needs, treat them with kindness, compassion and respect — then we can change their world. And ours. Making a difference one person at a time.

Remember, kindness needs to begin at home. Treat yourself with kindness, you will build your self-esteem. When you fill your life with joy it will naturally overflow to others, reflecting how we show up to the world.

Choosing to build kindness into our lives not only makes other’s lives better, but it also positively impacts ours as well.

The best part of creating JOY through KINDNESS is — it’s FREE and available to us all.

Journey Well

You Are More Than Enough



Mariah Edgington

Mariah Edgington, BSN, RN: Published Author, Keynote Speaker, Contributor: BizCatalyst360, Medium